Complex Training to Keep Your Exercise Routine Fresh

Ever look around at other sports and thing that the way they train is cool? You see a gymnast do something and wish you were able to do that. Or you look at a powerlifter and are amazed at the size of their traps? Have you ever admired and wished you were as flexible as a yogi? Well, you are not confined to only training on the path of a bodybuilder. You can use several different methods of training. It's called complex training.

I love complexes It is actually how I love to train. I often mix deadlifts with ring dips or handstand holds for 6x 10 seconds then full range dumbbell shoulder presses for 3x10.(This is a typical example of taking one traditional weight training exercise and mixing with an exercise from another area or discipline) That kind of idea. The the next workout may be all bodyweight and then Friday could be a traditional squat, bench, row kind of day.

It really depends on how my body feels. I find this way I always look forward to training. If I feel stiff (read old) I do more ring and bodyweight work, if I start to feel small then I go back to weights. It's a great way to avoid overuse injuries as well.

Here is my typical Complex Training Schedule I do year round:

On Monday in the AM I will do heavy resistance training like deadlifts and military presses done for an overall poundage total. In the PM I'll go and hit a bodyweight conditioning class for cardio and muscular endurance. In the class there are sprints and some medium distance running along with the usual boot camp style exercises in the medium to high rep range with lots of burn.

Tuesday: Stretching day. Could also do static handstand work.

Wednesdays: Heavy resistance on weighted chinups and something dynamic. Maybe high pulls, cleans or jumping shrugs. Then we'll move onto practising the iron cross on the rings as well as front and back levers. After the heavy work, Wednesdays are meant to be fun and to try doing things that are a challenge from a skill point and a strength point. Regardless, you always feel worked over after!
Thursdays again is a bodyweight conditioning class that will include higher rep pushups, bodyweight squats and chinups. That sort of stuff. I really have to include stretching in the morning at this point in the week or I become really sore.

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